Do you remember the time when your parents take down the Christmas decorations and keep everything in one corner and that corner looks supernaturally magnificent because all the glitter, stars, trees, streamers and lights are curled up together?
And to make it more fun, you connect the tied bundles of
lights to the switch and turn it on.. and it lights up like never before, maybe
because of the fact that the tiny & colorful bulbs are very close to each
other and surrounded with so much magic! This is what Singapore looks like!
Jazzed up, luminous, uptight, striking & stunning! You can't help but fall
in love with the city and the prodigious whereabouts it has to offer. But as it
is said, you didn't enjoy your drink if you didn't shake it well. There are
some things you need to do if you want to see a better Singapore and I learnt
those things when I last visited this astounding place.
So here are some travel tips that need to go in your
travel notepad before you take off.....
Let's talk about Cost first. Food, accommodation,
transport etc.. are the inevitable expenses and you need to manage each of them
accurately. Accommodation is not cheap in Singapore, so be prepared to splurge
out good amount of currency.
Next comes the Food...

a) Use Public
Transport.If you plan to travel too much, you can get a Singapore tourist pass
which will allow you to board a number of trains and busses.
b) Eat on Smith Street. The stalls here are very cheap and
offer a large variety of local snacks and light food.
c) Eat Cheap.Do not spend too much money in eating. Try
eating at local restaurants like Chinatown, Little India etc and save for the
real adventure ahead
One of the things that Singapore taught me about travel is
that, never leave the culture of the city behind in the lieu of exploring fancy
malls and pubs. Thian Hock Keng Temple
is one of the most photogenic buildings you will ever see. The temple was
constructed in 1840 and was designated as the national building in 1973. DO NOT
miss The Merlion Statues. The exotic statue/ fountain showcasing half fish and
half lion is the national mascot of Singapore and you cannot leave the country
without hanging out with these beautiful pieces of art

To book your trip to Singapore Now go to Packngo Holidays
Packngo holidays is a leading tour and travel company
based in delhi and have multiple branches all over the world. If you would like
to read more article on various travel destination to get to know them better.
Please feel free to visit Packngo Holidays